Leadership Program - M.A.

MA - Leadership Program

About the program

The graduate leadership program at the Federmann School of Public Policy and Government is designed to provide students with the most advanced theoretical and empirical research tools required by managers in the public service. The program is an excellent springboard to leadership positions, and we are proud to contribute to the development of human capital in the public sector.  

The program is especially well-suited for the unique challenges and needs of a career in the public sector, and places an emphasis on policy analysis and organizational and personal leadership. Students are typically mid-career professionals who are in mid or high-level management positions in the civil service, local governments, non-profit organizations, or governmental organizations. The primary goal of the program is to develop leaders in the public service who will initiate policy and change in their respective fields.  

The program focuses on connecting the world of research and theory to actual application and practice. The coursework is designed to develop critical thinking in policy analysis, and to provide the professional language required in policy leadership positions. The program encourages the highest levels of civic service consciousness, all while exposing participants to the unique multicultural facets of Israeli society, and creating a diverse network of graduates who cooperate and coordinate in their various public roles.

Program courses are delivered through workshops, field visits and tours, outdoor training, simulations, and case studies. In addition, and in the framework of a comparative policy course, there is an option for a unique study tour abroad. The tour includes meetings with senior policy makers in the public sector, the civil service, and the local government of the host country.

The program's students are carefully selected and study in a small, high-quality framework. The format of study emphasizes teamwork, workshops, and peer dialogue which address policy issues arising from the field, and allows for the implementation of the material studied in real-life scenarios.

The leadership program maintains a highly prestigious reputation, and offers a unique set of opportunities for its participants. The program's contents focus on leadership and implementing change in public organizations, and are based on long-term experience in honing leadership in Israel. The course instructors include highly renowned lecturers in the fields of public policy, political science, economics, urban planning, law, communications, and other related fields, as well as facilitators specializing in leadership development.


Admission requirements

• An undergraduate degree recognized by the Israeli Council for Higher Education with an average of at least 80

• Cumulative mid- or high-level management experience of at least 5 years in the public sector

• Proficiency in the English language. Candidates who have not been granted an exemption (‘ptor’) from studying English by the university will be presented with options for studying English during the program.

• Applicants who meet the threshold conditions will be invited to a screening workshop. Attending and passing the workshop is mandatory for being admitted to the program.


Program Secretary: 
Telephone: 02-5881934
e-mail: exmpp@savion.huji.ac.il

Departmental Secretary: 02-5881533