Dr. Liat Raz Yurovich

is a family demographer. In her research, she analyzes the relationships between the economics of households and family change. Her work mostly focuses on the outsourcing of domestic work among households. In her studies, she analyzes how the outsourcing of domestic work affects women's fertility and men's and women's labor force participation. Moreover, her studies analyze how the purchase of domestic services is being affected by reconciliation policies. Her current work focuses also on the relationships between ideational change (e.g. changes in gender role attitudes and changes in preferences for leisure) and between second demographic transition behaviors. In her research, which is based mostly on panel and longitudinal data, Dr. Raz-Yurovich applies state-of-the-art quantitative methods. 


Raz-Yurovich, L. and Marx, I. 2019. Outsourcing Housework and Highly Skilled Women’s Labor Force Participation – An Analysis of a Policy Intervention. European Sociological  Reviewhttps://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcz001


Okun, B.S. and Raz-Yurovich, L. 2019. Housework, gender role attitudes, and couples' fertility intentions: Reconsidering men's roles in gender theories of family change. Population and Development Review,  45(1), 169-196.


 Raz-Yurovich, L. and Marx, I. 2018. What does state subsidized outsourcing of domestic work do for women’s employment? The Belgian Service Voucher Scheme. Journal of European Social Policy,  28(2), 104-115.


Raz-Yurovich, L. 2016. Outsourcing of housework and the transition to a second birth in Germany. Population Research and Policy Review,  35(3): 401-417.